Surprise!!! My co-workers threw me a baby shower today. My boss came to sit and chat in my office with the door closed (yikes, I thought, it must be pretty serious) to distract me while they set up. I honestly had no idea. Nice loot, too: lots of nice goodies in blue with sports themes.
The funny thing is that they didn't realize till the last minute that my office is the one with the security camera monitors in it, so in theory I could have caught them in the act. Good thing my boss is still new enough that he commands my undivided attention when he closes the door.
The other gag came when one of my colleagues brought in her four-month old grandson to visit at the end of the day. I said I'd hold him for a few minutes while she went to get her desk straightened up and collect her bag. So there I am, snuggling this cute little puddin' on my lap, when some of the ladies from upstairs came by. Bear in mind that the grandson and I are of obviously different ethnicities... The double-takes were priceless. "Yeah," I said, "while you were upstairs, I've been a little busy, but hey, I've got all these cute outfits now, why wait?" Heeeee!
While I'm camped out this weekend by the washing machine catching up on ten days' worth of laundry, I'll be writing thank-you notes...and giggling my butt off.