Thursday, October 19, 2006

Just a quick check-in with Baby: It is now One Month till "due date". My co-workers keep asking me, "When are you due?" and when I tell them, they furrow their brows and mumble something about how I'll be lucky to make it to Halloween. I look like I'm smuggling a beer keg. Earlier this week I kept waking up in the middle of the night with howling leg cramps. When I talked to my doctor yesterday (and yes, Mom, I asked about flu shots) she said she'd gone through the same thing. Usually there isn't much one can do about it but extra calcium can't hurt and it might help. "Extra calcium" is something my brain interprets as a code for "all the ice cream you can snarf down". But since I started chugging extra glasses of milk - and yes, indulging in the occasional scoop or two - I haven't had a night waking. I love going to a female OB.