Well, here's a fine situation. According to my OB, the baby hasn't even descended into the pelvis yet. This means that inducing labor is not really an option. Either this kid comes out the way nature intended, on nature's schedule, or I get to have a C-section later this week. All in favor of Mother Nature, raise your hands. Thought so. Me, too.
We did the usual battery of checks today, plus what's called a Non-Stress Test. The NST came out just fine along with everything else. Unfortunately, since I'm past my "due date," the clock starts ticking on the expiration of the placenta. That's why nobody likes to wait more than two weeks after due date to bring the baby out.
The problem for me is that "due date" is like that other bastard of pregnancy nomenclature, "morning sickness". Morning sickness can be a 24-7 ordeal, as I have experienced. If I thought that my "due date" were calculated with the accuracy of an atomic clock, okay, I'd be worried too about how long it's been since we passed that day. But guess what? For all I know, my OB in Eastern Europe was using a due date pinwheel calculator for the friggin' Gregorian calendar.
So I'm going to ask the doc to do another sonogram. If placenta, amniotic fluid, or baby appear to be in the slightest jeopardy, carve away. Otherwise, I'd just as soon wait a while.
Of course, this has not stopped my mother from re-booking her tickets to get out here as soon as the laws of time and space will permit. She's coming from the other coast, so that still gives us a head start. But Mom, for pity's sake, you had to arrange to land in the middle of Game Four of the World Series? When the Sox have a 3-0 lead?