Saturday, October 16, 2004

Scared you for a bit there, didn't I? No, no, we have not joined the ranks of the five percent of all people who actually deliver on the "due date." In fact, I spent yesterday in a variety of pursuits.

First of all, I had a very nice lunch with a friend at a neighborhood joint I'd been meaning to try out since I first drove by it. Good coffee and tasty leafy green food, plus good conversation with a kindred spirit, what more can one ask for on a rainy day?

Second, lo and behold, the crib got delivered! Whoo hoo! Baby's room is looking less like a storage closet every day.

Third, I went into the city and visited HQ. Yeah, I know, going to work on a Friday afternoon when I'm supposed to be on vacation, and on my due date, no less. Sheesh, what was I thinking? Yeah, I got asked that a lot, right after, "Is it a boy or a girl?" and "When are you due? Today?!?!?!?!" C'mon people, it's not as though I expect my water to break right here in your cubicles... Anyway, it was fun to visit with co-workers and to walk around the office in blue jeans with total impunity.

In other very happy news, we now have a new monitor *and* our DSL connection up and running, so I can actually use the computer during the day. Now my only excuse for not blogging several days in a row will be labor, delivery and recovery. Which could happen any day now, so I will just have to enjoy it while I can.