Thursday, October 14, 2004

Baby Update: As I suspected, we got the usual checkup today. Bizzleburp's heartbeat is at 140 bpm (dude, you can totally trance to it, get me a smart drink...) My blood pressure and weight are fine, nothing is swelling up, and still no sign that Biz is ready to come out of his/her cozy little home.
So, if nothing happens between now and next Thursday morning, we go back to the doc again and have a sonogram, just to be sure that there's still plenty of amniotic fluid to go around and that the placenta is still in good shape. Meanwhile, we're stocking the freezer and packing a bag for the hospital, just in case. Yep, baby's not even out yet and I'm doing laundry. But it's all good.
My sister-in-common-law (or sister-out-law, depending on what term one prefers) has coined a word to describe the as-yet-mystery-gendered Biz's relationship to her and my brother: "nie-phew." I think it's adorable. Is it a niece or a nephew? We'll find out whenever the Ineffable One finds the comic timing appropriate, I'm sure.