Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Once more into the breach, brothers and sisters... We made an offer on the house we liked this weekend. As far as we know, we're the only bidders, but the possible hiccup is that we want a closing date of October 1. The owners were looking at something like October 15. Hmmmm...I might have a possible conflict around that time.
But as I've been saying all along, it's in the hands of Higher Powers at this point.
I did have a very nice lunch with my "other mom". My mom lives on the other coast, and I have a few "moms" in the old neighborhood - this one is the mother of my oldest friend, we go back to 2nd grade together, if you can believe that.) So we had a lovely time catching up and I got to eat real crab cakes for the first time in I-don't-know-how-long. And I have even held them down, several hours later. Looks as though yesterday's tummy troubles were an anomaly (I hope, I hope). Still a few burps and urps here and there, but from everything I've read and heard, that's typical for this stage. Oh boy.
My dear husband even went on a late-night grocery run last night when I wanted ginger ale. He came back with ice cream, too. Readers, I married him.
Next post: we hope to know whether or not we got the house. Until then, fingers crossed!