Saturday, June 05, 2004

Oh cruel fate! First, I have to wait two months to catch Kill Bill, Volume 2. If I had stayed in France, my last vacation spot, just one more day I could have seen French (probably would not have done me much good). Now it looks as though I may be unable to see the new Harry Potter for over two months - I might not even see it until I get home! Moviegoing choices are really limited where I live. I can slip across the border to a neighboring country where they show stuff in English (as you have seen below, with Troy and The Day After Tomorrow). Or I can wait a week after the North American release date and get a bootleg DVD...but that would be wrong. After all, KB and HP really require big screens. Oh, and there's that whole copyright infringement/intellectual property/piracy issue.
Really, this wouldn't be so poignant, except that I know that after B-Day in October, I will not see the inside of a movie theatre for months, if not years. I've already resigned myself to at least ten years of "vacations" that involve cartoon animals at every stop. Not going to the movies, now that is gonna hurt.
And look at it this way: in ten years, I'll probably have the Harry Potter series - written and cinematic - committed to memory. What's the rush?