Well aside from that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?
Oh boy. I could never be an outright atheist, because I see constant evidence of the Ineffable One's existence, manifest in a perverse sense of humor.
Remember how I was going to spend my "vacation" down south resting, recuperating from my cold, and letting the gaggle of relatives spoil the baby?
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
What was the highlight of our trip? Gigi's first trip to the emergency room! Yep, the crud that Mommy and Daddy have been fighting off is probably viral pneumonia. Oh, and Gigi also has a urinary tract infection. The 104-degree fever kinda tipped us off that there was a problem over the weekend. The good news is that she is on the road to a full recovery, thanks to the wonders of modern medicine. I will spare you the gory details of the medical intricacies; let it suffice to say that catheters were involved.