This is not a post males will want to read. You have been warned.
I've been a little cranky of late, and it boils down to three little words: Plugged Milk Duct. (Guys, I told you, you were warned. If you have to ask, you don't want to know.)
This is not my first bump in the road of breastfeeding. Early on, we had "latch-on" problems because I supposedly had "flat nipples". That's hilarious. Nothing about my chest has been flat since I was 11 years old.
So this PMD got me to spend money on specially designed soothing gel packs for achy breasts. Thus, at age 36, for the first time in my life I'm stuffing my bra. Gad-effing-zooks. I am hopeful that this problem will clear up quickly. These things have a way of developing into infections if not treated promptly. I can only begin to imagine how much fun that is.
Fortunately, we're coming up to the six-month mark, at which I had figured I could consider a transition away from nursing. So maybe this whole achy mess is just karma. We'll see.