Welcome to the 21st Century!
Just to relive the high, on Tuesday I watched the Daily Show's Election Night coverage from the Tivo. The Obama victory really does renew my faith in Americans. Yes, he's getting more death threats than any other President-Elect in recorded history. And no, this is not the end of racism in America. But people took a look at the Republican ticket and (no disrespect to McCain) said, "President Palin? Aw HELL NO."
I guess they got tired of having undereducated zealots at the center of power. Seriously, "what I believe is God's will" is NOT the central principle of foreign policy for any nation that has gotten past witch-burnings and building walls for borders (oh, wait...)
So hey, now we can all look forward to a black man in the White House who isn't played by Morgan Freeman. Progess, it rocks.