Maternity Leave Countdown: Six days left in the office. Only one of them is a Monday. Thank the Maker!
In other matters of perspective, it occurs to me that I have no more than 26 days left of being pregnant. You see, Player to Be Named Later is "due" (ha ha ha ha ha) November 20th, but if Elvis doesn't leave the building by the 27th, we're going in after him. I'm not repeating the scenario with Gigi where we waited two very anxious weeks in constant fear of losing her. (That, and I don't want to burn up my limited maternity leave without having an actual infant to take care of...) I'm not eager to have a repeat C-section, but I'd rather do that than wait around.
Besides, I suspect that we won't have to wait very long to see P2BNL. Some of my co-workers, seeing the size of me, didn't think I'd make it past Halloween. The new IT guy - who started this week, Praise Buddha - said he'd noticed that I'd "dropped" between the time he came in for his first interview and today. I think the new office pool is betting whether I make it all the way to next Thursday. Hey, as long as Baby waits until after Grandma arrives, I'm cool.