Pediatrician visit today. There is good news: she's now 18 lbs 14 oz, which puts her in the tenth percentile for weight. Doc is very pleased; I am jumping for joy. On the downside, no teeth yet, despite her best efforts and several sleepless early mornings over the past week. Ugh. I am looking more and more like a panda on quaaludes. The doc gave us the name of a pediatric dentist and told us to give them a call if those little nubs on her gums don't make any progress after a few weeks.
Then she got a TB test (my company requires it as part of the medical clearance before we transfer overseas again) and her booster flu shot. That was officially No Fun for either of us.
Tomorrow, while my husband and I get our pre-transfer physicals, Gigi gets to do a test run at her future day care center. They'll take her on a "drop-in" basis for fifty bucks a day in the weeks preceding her formal enrollment so she can get acclimated to the place. Nice of them, but dag, fifty bucks a day? It wouldn't hurt quite so much if I were not still on unpaid leave - and if our house payments didn't jump nearly a hundred bucks every time Alan Greenspan got a fart caught crooked.