"Gigi" and I have been sick all week. She got a cold for her birthday, so no trick-or-treating. I got the cold from her the following day. So after All Snots Day, we've been keeping a low profile and hoping not to spread it to her daddy - who is pounding orange juice like the Anti-Anita Bryant. Thursday she went for her twelve-month checkup at the pediatrician, and the flu shot made her miserable all day Friday. Saturday morning she woke up in the wee small hours of the morning. Ooooogh.
A few weeks ago, after I wrote about my limited tolerance for "The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round," my homegirl Queen Joolioolie wrote me about her son, who at one point could only be soothed in the car with TWOTBGRAR. She and her husband would be driving around with the boy, inventing more and more verses for the song. Ah, yes. I feel your pain, sister. This week has taught me that a sure-fire method for wooing a reluctant Gigi to sleep is "The Lion Sleeps Tonight."
So there I was at 4:30 a.m. Saturday trying to invent new variations of "in the nursery, the baby's nursery, the baby goes to sleep" that didn't involve "the mommy goes insane..."
So my sleep schedule, such as it has been over the last year, is now pretty whacked. And the worst part about being sick? Coffee doesn't taste right. Maybe I can persuade my local Starbucks to whip me up a no-foam Robitussin soy latte.