Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Well, this answers one of my earlier questions: I was wondering why Alanis felt compelled to stick her nose into the U.S. elections last fall.
Speaking of contentious cross-border issues, word is that Canadian MPs are getting irate phone calls from U.S. Bible-Belters about proposed "gay marriage" legislation. I always thought it was the purview of tinpot dictators and foreign aid recipients to squeal about the Americans "meddling in internal affairs" (diplo-speak for "of course we know we're doing awful things; mind your own damn business"). Bewildered Ottawa denizens can now add their voices to the chorus.
Seriously you guys, Canada is a foreign country. It is not the "51st state". You want to oppress ten percent of your population, get cracking on your own constitutional amendment. Everyone on the northern side of the border will be busy playing hockey, drinking beer, and committing unspeakable crimes against nature, and you'll just have to get over it, eh?