My mother called, which is my cue that I have gone too long without checking my e-mail or updating the blog. Mea culpa. It's been an adventurous week in Purple Scare Land. The OB has given me the OK to drive again (yippee!!!!), and baby "Gigi" has been on the road with us ever since. She's been to two restaurants and a holiday party so far. Friday she had her one-month checkup with the doctor. She's grown three quarters of an inch since she was born, and weighs six pounds ten ounces. I could not be more pleased.
The question is starting to come up, will I go back to work and if so, when? I have no earthly clue. Some days I think I could chuck the entire working world, and other days I miss it just a little. Considering that in my line of work (travelers' aid), much of my day-to-day job is not unlike changing three-alarm diapers, I really do wonder if the major differences between my life pre- and post-Gigi are merely wardrobe and paychecks.
This will require further meditation. And it's not just because I had some nightmare involving the Stepford Wives last night.