The good news is that little Gigi is able to sleep for up to four hours at a stretch if we let her. The flip side to that is she wakes up even hungrier than usual. My baby is a Hoover with eyes.
She was small for her gestational age, i.e., even though she was overdue she was just a wee thing at just over two and a half kilos (or five and a half pounds). All babies lose about ten percent of their birth weight shortly after the event; she lost hers in under 48 hours. By the time we left the hospital she had gained some back. We took her to the pediatrician on Thursday, and learned that she was almost back up to her birth weight (most babies take up to two weeks to get it back). I damn near did a victory dance in the parking lot.
We're back to the pediatrician tomorrow for another weight check. At the rate she's been eating this weekend, it would not surprise me if she's back to birth weight. Then again, looking at the diaper volume... well, I won't go there.