House Update: The radon test came back with a reading higher than recommended safe levels. The sellers have agreed to pay for someone to come in and do "remediation" (i.e. install a vent). Fair enough - in fact, it's pretty routine, I believe.
Radon can be some spooky stuff. If I didn't know that it was real, the description would sound like a schizophrenic's delusion: It's everywhere! But you can't see it, or smell it, or taste it, but it's radioactive and it permeates your house and it can give you cancer, so you should line your house with tinfoil and chant the Mickey Mouse Club theme song backwards twelve hours a day to protect yourself, bwahahahahaha. Okay, I made that last part up. Plastic sheeting is fine, it doesn't have to be tinfoil. So I'm not too worried about this whole radon thing.
On the downside, our sellers can't get a moving company booked until the 10th of October. This means that we settle and hand over keys five days before Bizzleburp's ETA. I suppose this means drawing up contingency plans to have someone else at the house directing the guys with the boxes in case I go into labor when the trucks show up. Either that or it means I'm nuts for going through with this.