Sunday, July 30, 2006

Did I say a few days?

Okay, yeah, so I did. Heh. After getting back from my college reunion (which was lots of fun despite lots of rain), I realized that I had six weeks left to prepare for my next international move. I've done international moves before. I've done international moves with a cat before. I've done an international move pregnant before. But doing all of the above with a toddler? Oh, new levels of excitement.
The funny thing is, it wasn't as bad as I'd feared. Okay, granted, we had some of the usual hoopla about what goes into storage and what comes with us and what do we ship as air freight and so on and so on and scooby dooby doo on. And the fact that I came down with a respiratory bug for two weeks didn't help. All that time I would have spent playing Hogwarts Sorting Hat and running down to Goodwill with carloads of stuff I instead spent horking up lungbunnies and sounding like Lauren Bacall on helium.
So we didn't prep for this move with much detail. And the movers, although they appeared to be reasonable people, left empty Gatorade bottles all over the house and left the hot water tap in the bathroom running overnight (guess who's getting that last utility bill...?) But in the end, it's all just stuff and there's very little that we can't live without and couldn't replace. We got to our new island home in one piece; that's all that matters.