Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Oh, yeah. I'm back. Where have I been?
Let's see...I was on a quest for the last of the state quarters missing from my collection (damn you, you elusive Arkansas!!!)
No, that's not it.
I've been camped out in front of the bathroom mirror, trying to figure out once and for all whether my scalp is dry, normal, or oily.
I've been wigging out over the prospect of moving to an island for the next three years.
Hmmm, more plausible, but still not it.
Oh yeah.
I've been semi-comatose for most of the last two months because I'm back at work, raising a very mobile toddler, and gestating her younger sibling.
Yep, it's true, PS fans (if any of you are left out there), "Gigi" is getting an upgrade in November, to Big Sister.
Which brings me back to two years ago, when I inaugurated this blog: pregnant, working outside the home, facing an international move, and barely able to keep up with e-mail.
So mea culpa on the bloglapse. Now that I'm in Week 16, supposedly I'm going to be feeling better soon. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Meanwhile, it's past my bedtime. Night-night, my friends.