Monday, May 31, 2004

Road trip! We went out of town for a long weekend. The only trouble is that the roads around this region are pretty much designed -- and maintained -- to keep the German army from advancing. And when the roads are okay, the cops are blocking traffic to extort "fines" from people in foreign cars. Yeah, it ain't getting your kicks on Route 66, but I'll take what I can get.
Movie reviews from this weekend: The Day After Tomorrow - good special effects do not make up for a cheesy script and thinly veiled soapboxing, no matter how long you suspend your disbelief. At least Ian Holm is working. Troy - remind me to watch this one again with my dad, the Classics major, so he can tell me exactly what's wrong with the adaptation besides glossing over the whole gays-in-the-ancient-Greek-military thing. (C'mon, Brad, if you played a gay hero, maybe Tom Cruise would finally get up the nerve to come out.) Peter O'Toole is marvelous, of course, and Orlando Bloom plays a delightfully wussy Paris. Nice change of pace after three years of orc-stomping Legolas. Worth catching on big screen, just try not to say "Peter Jackson does CGI meatgrinders better!" out loud.